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                    產(chǎn)品中心您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 氣相色譜柱 > SUPELCO氣相色譜柱 > Astec CHIRALDEX B-DPSUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱
                    SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱

                    Astec CHIRALDEX B-DPSUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱


                    Astec CHIRALDEX B-DP SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱





                    Astec CHIRALDEX B-DP SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱

                    • CD Type: β (beta)
                    • Derivative: Dipropionyl
                    • Temp. Limits: -10 °C to 200 °C (isothermal) or 220 °C (programmed)

                        Incorporates a phase consisting of a 2,3-di-O-propionyl-6-t-butyl silyl derivative of β-cyclodextrin. This phase exhibits good hydrolytic stability, broad chiral selectivity, and are excellent for aliphatic and aromatic amines. It is also good for many aliphatic and some aromatic esters as well as exhibiting high efficiency and resolution at low retention times for polar racemates.


                    • Broad chiral selectivity
                    • Good hydrolytic stability
                    • Thermal limit 200/220
                    • Excellent for aromatic and aliphatic amines
                    • Good for many aliphatic and some aromatic esters
                    • High efficiency and resolution at low retention times for polar racemates


                    Mechanism Observations:

                    • Mostly surface interactions
                    • Fused ring structures better selectivity on gamma
                    • Acids have better selectivity as methyl rather than ethyl esters

                    Size Selectivity: 

                      Both speed and sample capacity indicate a surface type mechanism for very polar racemates. Large bulky molecules still require a larger surface area than beta provides, therefore, an increase in selectivity is seen on the gamma derivative for fused ring structures. The smaller alpha cavity offered no selectivity while the beta covered the largest range of molecular sizes but the choice between beta and gamma is compound dependent for this phase.


                    Astec CHIRALDEX B-DP SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱


                    Product #Description
                    78023AST Astec? CHIRALDEX? B-DP 毛細管氣相色譜柱 L × I.D. 30 m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm


                    Astec CHIRALDEX B-DP


                    上海屹利科學(xué)儀器有限公司  www.elab17。。cn   


                    上海屹利科學(xué)儀器有限公司rfsp61.com 熱門推薦:液相色譜 氣相色譜 色譜柱 分光光度計 電子天平 離心機 旋轉(zhuǎn)蒸發(fā)儀 酸度計 離子計 等實驗室儀器
                    公司地址:上海市松江區(qū)沈磚公路5555弄9號樓409室     網(wǎng)站地圖    滬ICP備14028064號-1    公司首頁 關(guān)于我們 新聞中心 產(chǎn)品中心 聯(lián)系我們

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